The Fair Credit Reporting Act is a federal law that consumers can use in order to ensure all data being reported on their credit reports is accurate. It can be broken down to one word. Accuracy. Anything being reported on your credit report needs to be accurate, it can be negative, but it has to be accurate. This includes balances or references to late payments or inclusion in bankruptcy – three of the most common violations.
The accuracy of information on your credit reports affects your credit score. Your credit score, in turn, affects many aspects of your life, including where you can work, where you can live, and what you can buy. Your credit score will also be used to determine whether anyone will lend you money or give you credit. Credit history has never been more important in the United States. Another benefit of monitoring your credit reports for accuracy is to fight off identity theft. Identity theft and data breaches are becoming more common each day, but with simple steps, we can obtain copies of our credit reports, review them for accuracies, dispute any errors, and put an end to any fraudulent activities.